Category Archives: party information

Guess whose having a party? And you’re all invited! Sort of….

This election season is sure to be an eventful one. Last week, ENG 121 released Individual Party calls for interested voters and candidates. For those of you who are unfamiliar, these calls usually come from the Political Party’s heavyweights/creators. The call involves a direct description of who their voters are, but also serves as an invitation to those few individuals who believe they’d be a perfect Presidential candidate for the Party. Interested? Good! Scroll through because we are dying to know whose party you are going to this Fall!

National Patriotic Party is calling on working class students between the ages of 18-27 to join their party. A typical member is interested in charity work, high achieving in school, so much so, they don’t have a full-time job (yet). Interested members should also know this party looks up to JFK’s leadership style. All genders should feel free to join this party or represent this party as long as they agree on two things: 1. Donald Trump stinks and 2. Human rights and safety is everything.


The Progressive Party is calling on voters ages 18 and up. A typical member here is interested in balancing political campaigning, school, work, and all of the other responsibilities life seems to throw. This party admires the leadership styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and chooses to stay above the hateful discourse that seems to be thrown around as of late. If you’re interested in joining this party as a voter or a candidate, please be aware of a few things: The PP wants self-confidence, intelligence, and diversity. In fact, that’s what this party is committed to.


Liberal Socialist Party is calling on 20+ folks interested in community service and writing. A typical voter is interested in changing the world, a taste for classical music, and despises the viewpoints of Donald Trump. This party admires the leadership styles of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. If you’re interested in joining this party or becoming a candidate for this party, you’ll surely be in very classy company.


CSK is calling on 20+ students who are interested in volunteering, reading, hip-hop, and pop culture. A typical voter has a love for Barack Obama’s leadership style and a dislike for anyone in politics with the last name of Bush. If you’re interested in joining this party or becoming a candidate, know two things: This party is all about making education cheap AND making the US population grammar healthy.


Foundational Liberation Party is calling on 18+ students who balance work with school. A typical voter is liberal in their values and policy positions. If you’re interested in joining or representing, know that this party admires Obama and Clinton, but this party does not agree with politicians like Trump and Reagan. This party represents the minorities of the nation who are working hard to make ends meet, if these ends ever do meet at all.


Deliverance is calling on 18+ teachers, students, and nurses who love school, government, and sports. A typical voter dislikes Donald Trump and George Bush’s policies, but admires the leadership style of Obama. If you’re interested in joining this party or representing this party, know that this party represents the everyday person who wants to make a living and help others whenever possible.


There you have it. The call to join is in your hands now!

Stay tuned for Party Statements next week as well as any last minute calls from Parties that might’ve missed the first deadline (it happens!). 

Until then,


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