Early this morning, REAL announced its place in the Presidential race. A one person party, this race is sure to be even more interesting with REAL in the running. Here is their announcement:
R stands for Raise WagesIn order to survive this this economy it’s crucial that Americans are receiving adequate wages that allows for survivals after rents and other expenses have been paid within a household.
E stands for Education. Education leads to higher wages, security, and growth. Education also brings forth endless opportunities. Education allows us to push the pen and kindles the flame for questioning. We need programs in all fields of studies whether it’s arts or medical. Education furthermore teaches us to find answers on our own. It makes us more self-aware. It also paves the way for us to gain a sense of enlightenment. Overcrowding within schools is also a growing problem. We need a new plan for education that allows for more funding and better resources to engage the students.
A stands for ‘A’ ll are equal In all reality, and in society today discrimination still occurs in every aspect in our everyday lives. Discrimination is not just a black and white issue, it also has to do with age, gender, housing, religion, sexual orientation, and credit score. Together we must come up with a plan to fight the racial stigmas that occur today still. Also, we have to to fix the homelessness in America. A nation divided cannot stand together to bring equality.
L stands for Legislation Change starts within our communities first. In order to be unified as a whole we must start with our mayors, city councilmen, and borough presidents. To be on one accord, we must be on a common ground and fight for what our communities need.