The parties keep on coming. Check out NPP’s mission statement released early this morning:
WE ARE “The National Patriotic Party”! We have united to make America Affordable again! Our mission is to bring the most benefits to our society by actually getting work done. We are a group of people that cares about the working class,about those who are trying to better their future by going to college and getting a degree. As the National Patriotic Party we care about YOU! and we want you to have the best and most affordable education,that is why we need you to work with us ,to make our goals happen. Let’s come together and fight for our rights,our objectives are many,and some of the most important are to make community colleges tuition free for those who are pursuing an eduction and feel they cannot afford it. Also we want better salaries for our professors,more reasonable health care for the working class, and we want to make new opportunities happen,more technical programs,more certificate programs that will ensure you to have or start a career in a field you are interested in. Let us show you that we are here for you !
Different from LSP in its focus, it seems NPP is interested in getting the working class on its feet again by making America “affordable.”